Standing Committees of the Faculty

The following designations apply to all committees: (*) indicates the Chair of the committee, (†) indicates the Secretary of the committee, and (#) indicates a non-voting member of the committee.

Faculty Benefits Committee

Policy Library 2.6.1 The Committee shall:

  • Originate or receive recommendations relative to employee benefits.
  • Review annually Institute policy, plans, and procedures on such matters as insurance, retirement, sick leave, death benefits, and vacations.
  • Review annually the general policy of the Institute with regard to wage scales, working conditions, and other matters of a similar nature pertaining to non-professional employees.
  • Make a comprehensive review of the complete insurance program at least every fifth year.
  • Promote the development of facilities for the benefit of Faculty and Staff members.
Kasson, Peter 2024-2027 CoE-CBE 
Ake, Toni* 2022-2025 GTRI-ELSYS 
Yang, Ben* 2019-2025 GTRI-EOSL 
Baunach, Dawn 2024-2027 ServCent 
Benjamin, Mable 2023-2026 GTRI-ASL
Powers, Shameica ex officio Staff Council Representative 
Trice, Cedric ex officio Staff Council Representative 
Pikowsky, Bob ex officio Retired Faculty Representative 
Kaviani, Ghazal ex officio Grad SGA Representative 
Nolem, Amanda – # ex officio Chair, Statutes Committee 
Anton, Annie – # ex officio GT USGFC Representative 
Rinehart, Michelle – # ex officio VP – Faculty 
Harrington, Kim – # ex officio OHR Representative 

Faculty Honors Committee

Policy Library 2.6.2 The Committee shall:

  • Maintain and publicize a list of Institute-level faculty awards and proactively seek out the development of additional awards.
  • Originate or receive names of Faculty members to be nominated for honors and awards.
  • Evaluate and take appropriate action for the awarding of such honors and awards.
  • Assist in planning annual events such as the retirement dinner.
Joyner, David* 2021-2027 CoC 
Miletto Tonetto, Leandro 2024-2027 CoD 
Staiculescu, Daniela 2019-2025 CoE 
Leavey, Jennifer 2023-2026 CoS 
Ivey, Jared 2022-2025 GTRI 
Bier, Laura 2024-2027 IAC 
Williams, Katherine 2023-2026 Serv&Cent 
Berry, Andrew ex officio SGA Student Rep 
Kaviani, Ghazalex officio GSGA Student Rep 

Faculty Status & Grievance Committee

Policy Library 2.6.3 The Committee shall:

  • Assist informally, upon oral or written request from a member of the Faculty, in the investigation and resolution of grievances.
  • Receive and review formal written grievances submitted by a member of the Faculty and, if appropriate, conduct formal investigations and/or convene a hearing following procedures specified in this Handbook, “Grievance: Process and Procedures” (section 3.1.9).
  • Receive referrals from Deans arising from the Periodic Peer Review of tenured faculty, in accordance with the “Periodic Peer Review Policy” in this Handbook (section 3.3.9).
  • Carry out informal inquiry in cases of possible dismissal of non-tenured Faculty with a contract during their contract terms or of tenured Faculty, as specified in “Procedures for Removing Faculty Members” in this Handbook (section 3.1.10) and in a manner consistent with the Policy Manual of the Board of Regents (section 8.3.9).

The Committee may:

  • Review the policy of the Institute with regard to salary scales, tenure, teaching loads, leaves of absence, and other matters of a similar nature pertaining to members of the Faculty.
  • Investigate variations in the application of such policies by the units within the Institute.
  • Furnish any recommendations from such reviews and investigations to the Faculty Executive Board.
Hutchinson, Seth 2022-2025 CoC 
MacLeod, Kim 2022-2025 CoC 
Montoya, Joseph 2024-2027  
Murray, Janet 2022-2025 IAC 
Colatrella, Carol* 2023-2026  
Harris, Tequila 2023-2026 CoE 
McIntyre, John 2023-2026  

Faculty Services Committee

Policy Library 2.6.5 The Committee shall:

Review annually the Institute’s policies and procedures governing functions providing support to the work of the Faculty, including the Library, Professional Education, and Research Centers.

Cherry, Elizabeth 2024-2027 CoC 
Soper, Jake* 2024-2027 CoS 
Alemdar, Meltem 2024-2027 CoE 
Duncan, Alex 2023-2026  
Hall, Andrew 2023-2026  
Lehmann, Hunter 2023-2026  
Rusch, Ana 2023-2026  
Sugimoto, Cassidy 2023-2026  
Pavlick, Will ex officio SGA Student Representative 

Statutes Committee

Policy Library 2.6.4 The Committee shall:

  • Originate, or receive and consider, all proposed amendments to this Handbook.
  • Ensure that copies of previous editions of this Handbook are kept in the archives of the Institute.
  • Review this Handbook to ensure it is consistent with institutional documents such as administrative manuals, regulations, and catalogs, and with policies of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
  • The Chair of the Committee or designee shall serve on the Institute’s Policy Steering Committee and as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Faculty Executive Board.
Payan, Alexia 2021-2027 CoE: ASDL 
Garg, Neha 2024-2027  
Ediger, David 2023-2026  
Maxwell, Erick 2022-2025  
Nolen, Amanda*2023-2026  
Surapaneni, Sriya ex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Pavlick, Will ex officio Grad SGA Rep 

Welfare & Security Committee

Policy Library 2.6.6 The Committee shall:

Review the policies and procedures governing institutional functions concerned with health, safety, and the general welfare, including campus planning, campus security, parking, safety and fire protection, radiation safety, civil defense, Auxiliary Services, and the Health Center. A comprehensive review of each function should be conducted at least once every two years. The Committee will annually provide recommendations from such reviews to the Faculty Executive Board.

The Committee shall coordinate with the Campus Physical Environmental Committee of the Staff Council regarding matters of common concern, including joint recommendations when appropriate.

Alamgir, Alena 2022-2025 CoE 
Crooks, Courtney 2022-2025 GTRI 
Zerbe, Ellen 2024-2027 CoE
McCoy, Tammy* 2021-2027 SCA – CETL 
Kosal, Margaret 2023-2026 IAC
Datta, Rohan ex officio SGA Student Rep. 
Reckner, Michelleex officio GSGA Student Rep. 
Connolly, Robert (Rob) -# ex officio GT Chief of Police 
Stephens, Jim -# ex officio VP – Infrastructure & Sustainability 
Harris, Jerel -# ex officio AVP  – Environmental Health & Safety 
Riling, Jon -# ex officio Director – Research Security