Georgia Tech, being an institution of the University System of Georgia and in accordance with Board of Regents policy, operates and embraces the model of shared governance, wherein the Faculty, comprising all members of the research faculty, academic faculty and designated administrative officers, is empowered with certain rights that enable it to fulfill its responsibilities for its own governance, the governance of Students, and the maintenance of high educational standards.
“The Faculty is granted the right and responsibility of its own governance; the governance of Students; the creation of such committees as may be required; the prescribing of regulations regarding admission, suspension, expulsion, discipline, scholarship, classes, courses of study, and requirements for graduation; and the creation of such other regulations as may be necessary or proper for the maintenance of high educational standards.”
GT Faculty Handbook, ยง2 – Faculty Governance
In order to the fulfill these responsibilities for governance, the Faculty has established the following governance bodies: the Faculty Senate, comprising the Academic Faculty Senate and the Research Faculty Senate, the Faculty Executive Board and the Standing Committees. The membership of these bodies comprises elected representatives of the faculty representing the voice of the whole faculty from its various constituencies (the Colleges, GTRI and Services and Central Administration), ex officio members and non-voting ex officio members. These bodies take actions on behalf of the Faculty to formulate and prescribe regulations, subject to the approval of the President, that are necessary for the maintenance of high education standards, to address matters of immediate and long standing concern, and to address ongoing governance of students and itself. The hierarchy of responsibility and function of the faculty governance bodies is depicted below. All bodies are subordinate to the Whole Faculty and act on its behalf.

For any questions on faculty governance structures and how to engage with faculty governance on any matter or concern please contact the Secretary of Faculty, Prof. J.Rhett Mayor.