Standing Committees of the Academic Faculty

The following designations apply to all committees: (*) indicates the Chair of the committee, (†) indicates the Secretary of the committee, and (#) indicates a non-voting member of the committee.

Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee – IUCC

Policy Library 2.6.7 The Committee shall:

  • Recommend to the Academic Faculty the requirements for all undergraduate degrees and propose changes in undergraduate degree requirements and curricula;
  • Evaluate all proposals for new undergraduate courses and degree programs from each Instructional Unit and transmit them with recommendations to the Academic Faculty for action;
  • Review all proposals for deactivation (suspension) or reinstatement of undergraduate degree programs and present the results to the Academic Faculty Senate as an information item prior to the Institute communicating such requests to USG and SACSOC, as appropriate.
  • Recommend to the Academic Faculty guidelines regulating Student petitions for course substitution and grade corrections
  • Rule on requests and appeals by undergraduate Students for exceptions to established rules and regulations in academic matters
  • Review new methods, aids, and techniques of instruction in order to make recommendations to the Academic Faculty or to the appropriate Instructional Unit.
Hays, James 2021-2027 CoC 
Gombolay, Matthew 2021-2027 CoC 
Xu, Wei 2023-2026 CoC 
Willkens, Danielle 2023-2026 CoD 
Yang, Eunhwa 2024-2027 CoD 
Steinberg, Adam 2019-2025 CoE 
Breedveld, Victor 2021-2027 CoE 
Hu, David 2021-2027 CoE 
Sokol, Joel* 2023-2026 CoE 
Ferri, Aldo 2023-2026 CoE 
Haas, Kevin 2023-2026 CoE 
Wang, Katarzyna 2023-2026 College of Bus 
Badura, Katie 2024-2027 College of Bus 
Oyelere, Adegboyega 2019-2025 CoS 
Balog, Edward 2023-2026 CoS 
First, Phillip 2023-2026 CoS 
2024-2027 CoS 
Ippolito, Christophe 2019-2025 IAC 
Khazaal, Natalie 2023-2026 IAC 
Howell, Noura 2023-2026 IAC 
Hunter Richardson ex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Phillips, Loraine ex officio AVP – Academic Effectiveness 
Stein, John -# ex officio Dean of Students 
Girardot, Steven -# ex officio Vice-Provost Undergraduate Education 
Pikowsky, Reta † ex officio Registrar 

Institute Graduate Curriculum Committee – IGCC

Policy Library 2.6.8 The Committee shall:

  • Recommend the minimum requirements for all graduate degrees and propose changes in graduate degree requirements and curricula.
  • Evaluate all proposals for new graduate courses and degree programs from each Instructional Unit and transmit them with recommendations to the Academic Faculty for action.
  • Review all proposals for deactivation (suspension) or reinstatement of graduate degree programs and present the results to the Academic Faculty Senate as an information item prior to the Institute communicating such requests to USG and SACSOC, as appropriate
  • Establish guidelines which will encourage appropriate research activities as an integral part of the graduate program and encourage high standards of student research, and foster the utilization of all available resources in the development of research activities that are supportive of the graduate programs of the Institute.
  • Rule on requests and appeals by graduate Students for exceptions to established rules and regulations in academic matters.
  • Develop policy and minimum requirements for the admission of Students to graduate programs, the admission of Students to candidacy for an advanced degree, and the awarding of graduate degrees.
  • Decide, in consultation with the Instructional Unit concerned, what undergraduate courses may be accepted for graduate credit.
  • Develop policy for qualifications of Faculty members who teach graduate courses and direct thesis research.
  • Develop policy for the awarding of graduate fellowships, scholarships, and assistantships.
Ahamad, Mustaque 2022-2025 CoC 
Ramachandran, Rama 2022-2025 CoC 
Cherry, Elizabeth* 2024-2027 CoC 
DeMillo, Richard 2024-2027 CoC 
Pishdad-Bozorgi, Pardis 2022-2025 CoD 
Cottle, Mark 2023-2026 CoD 
Brettmann, Blair 2022-2025 CoE 
Sun, Wenting 2022-2025 CoE 
Kennedy, Graeme 2023-2026 CoE 
Paynabar, Kamran 2023-2026 CoE 
Stewart, Lauren 2023-2026 CoE 
Young, Aaron 2024-2027 CoE 
Haider, Bilal 2024-2027 CoE 
Hora, Manpreet 2023-2026 College of Bus 
Schneider, Arnold 2023-2026 College of Bus 
Rahmani, Morvarid 2024-2027 College of Bus 
Nie, Shuyi 2023-2026 CoS 
Otte, Adam 2023-2026 CoS 
Brown, Kate 2022-2025 IAC 
Amsterdam, Daniel 2024-2027 IAC 
Gorbunova, Alina ex officio Grad SGA Rep 
Ferri, Bonnie ex officio Vice Provost – Grad Education 
Phillips, Loraine ex officio AVP – Academic Effectiveness 
Pikowsky, Reta †ex officio Registrar 

Student Regulations Committee

Policy Library 2.6.9 The Committee shall:

  • Conduct a comprehensive review, at least once every five years, of the Rules and Regulations section of the Georgia Tech Catalog for consistency and relevance of its provisions, making recommendations of any proposed changes to the Academic Faculty.
  • Originate or receive all proposed changes in or amendments to Institute policies and regulations pertaining to the student body, both graduate and undergraduate.
  • Review any proposed changes to determine whether they are in accord with this Handbook and make recommendations concerning proposed changes to the Academic Faculty.
  • Define and publish, with the approval of the Academic Faculty and the President, the official policy of the Institute concerning acceptable student conduct and academic integrity.  This policy shall define categories of offenses and penalties.
Christian, Laura 2024-2027  
Goldsman, David 2024-2027 CoS 
Mehaffey, Kristi 2023-2026  
Prilutski, Boris 2023-2026  
Roy, Nimisha 2023-2026  
Wilkinson, Angus 2021-2027 CoS 
Nair-Reichert, Usha* 2021-2027 IAC 
Zaidi, Turab 2024-2025 CoE 
Richardson, Hunterex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Adams, Avrilex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
McNealey, Amaya ex officio Grad SGA Rep 
Ferri, Bonnie ex officio Vice Provost – Grad Education 
Girardot, Steven -# ex officio Vice Provost – Undergrad Education 
Stein, John -# ex officio Dean of Students 
Pikowsky, Reta † ex officio Registrar 

Student Academic & Financial Affairs Committee (SAFAC)

Policy Library 2.6.10 The Committee shall annually review and make appropriate recommendations to the Academic Faculty concerning:

  • The system for academic advising;
  • Policy governing the academic standing and classification of Students;
  • Both graduate and undergraduate financial aid programs;
  • The counseling and career planning program; and
  • The orientation program for new Students.

In addition, the Committee shall:

  • Establish and periodically review the qualifications for a Student to receive academic honors and prizes and advise the office or the individual responsible for the formal programs at which such awards are presented.
  • Originate or receive and make recommendations regarding all changes in policy, criteria, or procedures regarding Student admission and readmission to the undergraduate programs of the Institute.
  • Approve all intercollegiate schedules of extracurricular activities, such as athletics and debate, including post season athletic events.
  • Approve all institutional functions for which excused absences from classes for the Students involved are to be granted.
Decker, Adam 2021-2027 CoS: BioSci 
Wang, Katarzyna 2022-2025 Scheller 
Johnson Taylor, Kenyetta 2024-2027 ServCent 
Black, James* 2023-2026 ServCent
Maguluri, Siva Theja 2023-2026 COE
Orich, Annika 2023-2026  
Haley, Juliaex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Werner, Abeex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Venapally, Amitej ex officio Grad SGA Rep 
TBD ex officio GT Counseling Center 
Pikowsky, Reta † ex officio Registrar 

Student Activities Committee

Policy Library 2.6.11 The Committee shall:

  • Receive and consider all proposed changes in any Constitution of the Student Body and make appropriate recommendations to the Academic Faculty.
  • Consider for approval all charters of student organizations recommended by the Student Government Association and make appropriate recommendations to the Academic Faculty.
  • Originate or receive, review, and recommend to the Academic Faculty all changes in regulations for the Student Government concerning social fraternities and sororities, clubs, societies, student housing, student publications, intramural athletics, the Georgia Tech Student Center, and other student organizations and activities.
  • Review all proposals from the Student Government to the President recommending the amount and distribution of student activities fees.
Griendling, Kelly* 2022-2025 CoE 
Bennett, Charles 2023-2026  
Evans, Michael 2023-2026  
Stewart, Christie 2023-2026  
Harris, Joyelle 2021-2027 CoE 
Miller, Willex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Kirnon, Kayla ex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Irvin, Alyshaex officio Grad SGA Rep 
 ex officio Dean of Students 
Rodriguez, Alyssa ex officio Dean of Students 

Student Grievance & Appeal Committee

Policy Library 2.6.12 The Committee shall:

  • Carry out duties associated with the Grievance Process as specified in Section XX of the Rules and Regulations in the Georgia Tech Catalog.  Specifically
    • The Committee shall appoint an outside member of the Academic Faculty to serve on an ad hoc appeal committee constituted at the school, college or unit level.
    • The Committee shall act as a second level of appeal in such decisions if requested by a student, as specified in the Rules and Regulations section of the Georgia Tech Catalog (XX.C.3).
  • Develop and, with the approval of the Academic Faculty Senate, establish and publish its own rules of procedures for the conduct of formal hearings.

The Committee may:

  • Act on its own cognizance, or upon request of any Student or group of Students, to specify or review grievances, suggestions, or criticisms concerning any matter relevant to the Institute that is not resolved by other mechanisms set out in Section 4.7 of the Faculty Handbook.  It may weigh and evaluate the material and transmit constructive recommendations to appropriate individuals, offices, committees or groups.

In its distributed minutes and in the annual report of its activities and findings, the Committee shall preserve the anonymity of individuals by generalizing the issues involved and the actions taken.

Tsygankov, Denis2019-2025 CoE 
Verhaeghen, Paul* 2024-2027 CoS
Shepler, Carrie 2023-2026 CoS
Haley, Juliaex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Yang, Donglai ex officio Grad SGA Rep 
 ex officio Dean of Students 
Rodriguez, Alyssa ex officio Dean of Students 

Student Honor Committee

Policy Library 2.6.13

Cases involving alleged dishonesty in academic matters on the part of a Student shall be heard and decided by a Hearing Panel formed from members of the Committee.

  • This Panel shall be composed of three (3) or four (4) Academic Faculty members, of whom a majority should be tenured or tenure-track, and two (2) or three (3) Students with at least one (1) Student from the same group as the accused (undergraduate or graduate). 
  • Each Panel shall have a Chair appointed by the Chair of the Student Honor Committee from among the faculty members on the Panel. 
  • The decision in the case shall be transmitted to the office, or offices, responsible for recording it, for notifying the Student officially, and for implementing the action.

In its distributed minutes and in the annual report of its activities and findings, the Committee shall preserve the anonymity of individuals by generalizing the issues involved and the actions taken.

Johnston, George 2022-2025 CoD 
Meaud, Julien 2022-2025 CoE 
Short, Martin* 2019-2025 CoS 
Goldberg, Stuart 2022-2025 IAC 
Frizzell, Matthew 2019-2025 ServCent 
Peterson, Karen 2022-2025 ServCent 
Klimenko, Mikhail 2023-2026 IAC
LeBlanc, W. Jude 2023-2026 CoD
Musaev, Aibek 2021-2027 CoC 
Cleger, Osvaldo 2024-2027 IAC 
O’Mahoney, Christie 2024-2027 CoS 
Reddy, Amit 2021-2027 CoS 
Johnston, Amanda  ex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Pettiford, Chaseex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Datta, Rohan ex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Pastula, Noahex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Kavuri, Thanmayee ex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Leurart, Jeremyex officio Ugrad SGA Rep 
Pavlick, Willex officio Grad SGA Rep 
Lin, Juliaex officio Grad SGA Rep 
Oglesby, Lin ex officio Grad SGA Rep 

Student Computer Ownership

Policy Library 2.6.14 The Committee shall:

  • At least annually, review and update the standard hardware specifications for a minimally-configured student computer.
  • Originate or receive all requests to add or delete specific software from the standard software suite used by the Georgia Tech community, make recommendations to the Academic Faculty regarding any significant modifications to the standard software suite, and adopt on its own discretion any minor modifications and/or revisions to the standard software suite.
  • Review annually all student computer support procedures, originate or receive all requests to modify these procedures, make recommendations for minor changes or revisions to the appropriate Administrative unit, and make recommendations for any significant changes to the Academic Faculty.
  • Originate or receive and make recommendations to the Academic Faculty regarding any changes to the Student Computer Ownership policy.
  • Assist in the establishment and promotion of activities that encourage the use of computers in education.
Watson-Phillips, Susan 2023-2026 CoC 
Behravesh, Esfandiar* 2021-2027 CoE 
Di-Leo, Claudio 2022-2025 CoE 
Jeffcoat, Heather 2023-2026  
Landry, Richard 2023-2027  
Prabhakar, Meenakshiex officio Undergrad Student 
Palaniappan, Sri ex officio Undergrad Student 
Hunter, Maria ex officio OIT 
Nguyen, Peter ex officio GT Computer Store 
Belom, Sherry ex officio Aux. Serv. 

Academic Integrity Committee

Policy Library 2.6.15 The Committee shall:

  • Assess and benchmark the nature of academic misconduct at Georgia Tech and in the nation.
  • Examine, assess, and recommend to the Academic Faculty methods and programs that can enhance the level of academic integrity at Georgia Tech.
  • Review, assess, and benchmark the current organizational structure, processes, and procedures for enforcing the Student Honor Code and for hearing cases of academic misconduct.  The Committee shall make appropriate recommendations to the Academic Faculty to improve this system.
  • May investigate and recommend to the Academic Faculty alternate methods of dispute resolution that could enhance the administration of the Student Honor Code at Georgia Tech.
  • Work in parallel with the Student Honor Advisory Council to promote the Student Honor Code as an integral part of academic values at Georgia Tech.
Anton, Annie  2022-2025  CoC 
Chu, Wing  2022-2025  CoC 
Greco, Edwin*  2024-2027  CoC 
Virani, Shivani ex officio  Ugrad SGA Rep 
Venapally, Amitej ex officio  Grad SGA Rep 
Short, Martin  ex officio  Chair – Student Honor Committee 
Dorn, Andrew ex officio  Student Chair – Student Honor Advisory Council